Speed typing games and lessons



Speed typing online game

You have got into the right typing game place

If you have assiduity, brilliant memory, huge necessity, in this case you�ll easily learn grammar of any foreign language. But even this doesn�t guarantee that you will be able to speak it easily and smoothly. But if the grammar is not your ultimate goal, and what you really want is just being a possessor of a foreign language then you have got into the right place. Speed typing lesson 

You�ll fulfill your wish right here through simple, yet powerful trainings. One of them is Blind-Typing.

Even if you are not skilled at blind typing, you will easily switch into the mode and master use of not only the foreign language but also a PC keyboard. You�ll be taught the latter as a by-skill, with no extra payment at all!

And still, we don�t want to make a false impression on you implying that you can gain something here without making efforts or having performed certain amount of work. Never on earth this is a case; you will have to work. But trainings are very simple. While performing them, you are simultaneously taking rest from another activity which you possibly feel tired of.

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With the typing online game you can assess your typing skills within your web browser.

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What happens to you?

You look at the text in the top window and type it with your fingers. What systems are put into operation?

Your eyes, naturally, participate actively. They have plenty of work: typing and reading the text in the top window and checking mistakes in the bottom one. The only thing that is out of their duty is control of the fingers work. Your eyes are released from this work.

What�s the next system involved besides the eyes? Next goes a "device" that you speak by. What for? Why? You have probably held in mind that the text which is being typed by your fingers does not need to be voiced, haven�t you? If yes, you are wrong! The text needs to be uttered!

What system comes next in the sequence? Your hands, of course! Oh! They have plenty of work! Take one of your hand by another one somewhere between an elbow and a wrist and move slightly fingers of the hand being held. Can you feel how many muscles are moving there, under your skin? These muscles move your fingers. They are very thin and sensitive. And there are plenty of them!

It is these very muscles that grammar "gets stuck" in! Why or how does it happen? It is of no importance to us. It's quite another point that matters! It is important that the speech center and the wrist control one are situated perfectly close in the brain! It is pretty important! When both of them work simultaneously they influence each other actively.

Will that do?

No! It�s not enough to be a possessor of a foreign language. One needs to perform some more trainings. What exactly coaching should one practice in addition to the ones stated? It�s easy to understand having recalled that a language possessor performs easily and perfectly four activities that are:

  • easily reads and simultaneously understands the meaning;
  • writes without mistakes and has beautiful language style;
  • easily understands what he is told by others, and
  • speaks himself easily and beautifully.

Trained eyes, speech device and fingers are not sufficient to perform the above-mentioned actions decently and without getting tired. One can easily notice that the ear coaching is not covered yet. Add ear work-outs to the list and you�ll have a complete set of organs and senses needed to be trained to become a possessor of a foreign language.

There are still another subsystems

But there are still subsystems in our body which work we do not notice when speaking or blind-typing.

We don�t remember that we can speak so long as we are exhaling air. Therefore, our breathing plays very important role! It is this very subsystem that generally receives very few attention! That�s why it must be added to the coaching plan in order to use one�s gift of speech with quality.

There is yet another subsystem which is left out of our attention and which is loaded heavily during blind-typing! It is our tactile system. Tips of our fingers hit the keys. They contain many nerve endings. It is there our tactile sensors live! And when we type the sensors are working constantly!

That�s why typing is much more effective for adaptation to a foreign language than the plain writing with a pen! Additional effect is achieved with the work done by many small muscles mentioned above as compared with common handwriting method.

Through training of the above-stated subsystems (and some other) of our body, we obtain any foreign language of our choice in automatic possession!

I hope, you have noticed that we haven�t mentioned our memory, not a single time? Just so! In the training system it does not play a role! Memory does not matter in possessing of a foreign language! Why? Because our system empowers you with the ability to use a foreign language completely automatically!

Perhaps, you have already guessed, that thanks to such training you use a foreign language completely in the same way as you do your mother tongue! If you guessed about that on your own, we heartily congratulate you! It is really so.

Speed typing key words

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Typing Lessons