Speed reading software

The computer exercise "Randomly removed letters from the text"

How this speed reading program works

  • Click on the Open button and select the text.
  • Click on the Next button and the program will delete some letters in the words.
  • You can see the initial text if you press the Prompt button.

By using the Settings form you can adjust the parameters of the program.


The idea of the speed reading computer training

A text always consists of superfluous information (superfluous letters, superfluous words and superfluous sentences). It is also possible that the whole text is superfluous to your needs.

Place a strip of paper onto a book so that the strip covers 4-6 letters. Now you can't read one word a line. Try to read the text. Probably you can do it. You understand the text at the same level as the text without the strip. Of-course you can't recognize some words under the strip. Try to convince yourself that this word is not a keyword, and that you can pass over it.

These examples show how a text contains superfluous information; which you do not need to read each letter or each word. You can pass over some information from the text.

Many orators do not state the essence of a speech with their first words. At first they try to build the trust between them and the listeners. Then they talk about different points of view concerning the issue. Orators use introductory words, and build a psychological bridge to the listener. The main meaning behind the speech is not imparted immediately. They try to decorate the speech in fancy wrapping.

The essence of a speech can be placed in one or two sentences. The same information can be superfluous for one person and useful for another. There are "spare" letters in each word. There are spare words in each sentence. Pass over them and the speed of your reading will increase.


Speed reading tips

When reading a text, knowing where you're about to go is also important. Whenever I pick up a new text or book, I skim it in five to ten minutes. Read the jacket of the book, skim the preface and introduction, and read the last few pages to get the conclusion. Sometimes I scan the index, and I always skim the glossary if there is one. Finally, skim the entire book at the rate of 2-3 seconds per page (sometimes longer if there are interesting graphics). Once you finish this stage, you must decide whether or not the book is worth reading. Sometimes it's not: put it back on the bookshelf, give it to a friend, or file it for future reference.

Before tackling any book, always go through the book's Table of Contents first to give yourself an idea of what the book has in store. Skimming through the Table of Contents will reinforce certain terminology, concepts and philosophies that are at the core of any book-a practice that will help you retain information better.

When you finally reach the reading part, don't start by going through it paragraph by paragraph. On the contrary, read only the first sentence of every paragraph at the first pass, for the first sentence usually carries the germ or the main idea behind every paragraph. Think of it like window-shopping. Do some inventory first, before you go on a shopping spree!

Finally, attempting to read at the same speed for all kinds of materials is not only stupid-it is disastrous to your reading life. The average reader ploughs on somewhere between 250 and 350 words per minute for easy material. The ideal reading speed, however, is between 500 -700 words per minute, although some people can read a lot more than that.

To help you remember this principle, consider driving. You don't drive at the same speed all the time. You slow down on curves or mountain ranges. You gain more speed on a freeway. The same holds true for speed-reading.


Speed reading tips

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