Speed Mnemonic game

Memorizing Numbers mind tryning

Suppose we assigned each of the digits 0 through 9 to a consonant. Then, when we want to remember a number, we convert the number into consonants, insert vowels, and form a word. This word can then be used to form an association much more readily, rather than trying to use the number itself.

As an example, suppose we want to remember that the Old Testament has 39 books, and suppose 3 and 9 translated into M and P, respectively. We could then insert the vowel A between the consonants to come up with the word "map". We would then visualize a huge map in front of us, with the Mediterranean Sea, Israel, Egypt, Mt. Sinai, etc.: a nice map of the Old Testament. Two weeks later we want to remember how many books were in the Old Testament. We recall that huge map with all the places on it. MAP... consonants are M and P... that's 3 and 9. 39! We did it! That's sort of a roundabout way of doing it, but it works, because of the associations.

So, you ask, how do I know that M is 3 and P is 9? The answer is that you must first memorize the following table of consonants and digits. Oh dear, you say. But wait... once this chart is memorized, it can be used for life! And second, there's even a scheme to associate the numbers with the letters!

                 1        t, d           t has one down stroke
                 2        n              n has two down strokes
                 3        m              m has three down strokes
                 4        r              "four" ends with R
                 5        l              Latin 50 = L
                 6        j, sh, ch      J reversed looks like 6
                 7        k, g (hard)    Visualize a K drawn with two 7s
                 8        f, v           Cursive f has two loops like an 8
                 9        p, b           P reversed looks like 9
                 0        z, s           "zero" starts with Z

Use eidetic memory and mind training for learning ability development

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This is the standardized mnemonic system used by memory experts. It has been optimized in order to make it easy to learn and use. Note that pairs of letters have been grouped together because of their phonetic similarity, such as t and d or p and b. If you are not familiar with phonetics, whisper the word "dog." Notice that it sounds like "tok". This is how you can tell which sounds are phonetically similar.

What is short-term memory

Short term memory is memory for recent events that doesn't last long (about 15-30 seconds) and is only random. This is the part of the memory that remembers what was said two minutes earlier, or whether someone has added sugar to a cup of tea. Some short-term memories--such as part of a conversation--become part of long-term memory, but many vanish quickly, perhaps because there is no value to keeping them. A variety of conditions, including simple aging, can diminish or destroy short-term memory, while leaving long-term memory intact. One of pioneers of short-term memory research is George A. Miller, who wrote the classic article The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two.

Memory tips

What's the best way to keep your mind engaged? Tackling unfamiliar tasks or new ways of thinking can help develop underused brain connections. Among his suggestions: Take up word games like crossword puzzles and acrostics. Memorize favorite poems or famous passages like the Gettysburg Address. Read challenging books or articles that encourage you to expand your interests. Practice other-handedness. If you're right-handed, try brushing your teeth or writing your grocery list with your left hand."

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Users say about speed reading site

Dear author

I was reading through your web page on Children's eidetic memory and would like to say 'thank you' as you have provided a great resource. My two boys have good memories and I thought you'd like to hear about them. I also have question for you at the end of this message.

My first boy is now 5 years old and has a good memory with words and math. He is a self learner. With help from a phonics toy he was able to start reading books at 3 years old. I took noticed of this and taught him basic addition and subtraction to test if he could grasp abstract concepts at 3 years old. He learned those concepts and applications thereof that hour and he then discovered better ways to add (we know it as multiplication) and he discovered better ways to subtract (we know this as division). He is now wanting to learn math combining numbers and letters (we know this as Algebra). I decided to home-school him because of his self-learning desires and abilities in the areas of spelling, reading, and mathematics. My son is now able to read 50 new spelling words at one sitting and pronounce and spell all of them after looking at his sheet. He does 300 new words a week. He is 5 years old. Other interesting behaviors include self-trained using the bathroom at 12 months old.

My second boy is 3 and has a good memory with music. He is able to watch me play the drum set and copy my exact beat and tempo (of course only doing beats he can physically keep up with) using both hands and feet. He started playing at 12 months old.

What would you recommend as age-appropriate tests to see if they have eidetic memories? I'm not sure they have an eidetic memory or possibly just a good memory.

Thank You Casey


Exercise for mnemonic memory

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