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Includes introductory and intermediate music theory lessons, ear trainers, and books. Every musician needs to know the basics of music theory. Here you can learn about note reading, intervals, scales, and much more. Music Notes: An Interactive Online Musical Experience goes in-depth into Music Theory, Music Styles, Music History, Musical Instruments, Music Professions,. Main Theory. This page has moved to this section. html. It should automatically open in a few seconds. You should be redirected there in 3 seconds.

Free music theory lessons on the net, from the beginning, with no registration. How to write scales, chords and triads. Offers FAQ, quick find and lessons 1. Contains 26 free lessons that teach you the beginnings of music theory. Learn about the staff and clefs, sharps and flasts, scales, key signatures,. Some people are uncomfortable with the term music theory, because it gives them the This is a pity, because music theory is not a restrictive force. Many songwriters have questions about chords and how they flow.

What would you like to know about Music Theory? Post your questions here on Music Theory. Get answers and let others read and include their questions, so that we may have a broader understanding of this ever-puzzling I-don't-understand kinda issue. It is not that difficult; really.

I think it would be good to start with proper basics. Having said that, that's a bit difficult to get in Maldives. I would highly recommend anyone to start on a classical basis, even if you're into rock or metal guitar. The basics are the same - only the style is a different. This will ensure your knowledge of music is correct and you will learn the basic techniques correctly - you wouldn't have to waste time correcting them later.

Avoid rushing into crash courses that display fancy titles like "learn guitar within a few days!" kind of things. There is actually no express route to mastering any musical instrument. If you do, you'll soon discover a lot of blocks in your learning.

Furthermore, even from day one, try to be creative with your instrument. You can play other's guitar-licks for your entire life but, if after a while you will find that it's boring and tiring.

Never forget that music is a form of expression. It is actually no use trying to copy and paste someone else's expression because, you actually can't. You can get close, but you can't. In linguistic terms, it would be like always talking using someone else's sentences.

Playing diatonically means that you only use the notes of a standard scale and you will not be using any chromatic alterations.

For example, In C Major, you will be using the notes of C, D, E, F, G, A, B & C'. You will not use any notes such as G-flat or B-flat.

The operative word being 'creative'. Being creative with your instrument is the only way forward. I think the instrument should always be a medium to channel your creativity. It's very important that one start from the basics - learn the instrument, how it can be, has been, has not been but could be, and may be used. It is also important to appreciate techniques of applying yourself in a performance to optimise stamina and dexterity. Put simply, all you have to do is learn the technique, the rest is up for you to create. The bass is to a bass player what the pencil is to an artist, what the football is to a football player, and so on.

First of all I would like to talk about the word improvisation, when you create an instant composition. the instant creation of a new melody:that's called improvisation. And there are many types of improvisation such as free improvisations.. etc. When the improvised melody is not related to another song it is called free improvisation.

In contemporary music, the improvisation is usually related to the tune you are playing:and in most cases. the melody you are improvising follows the chord progression.

There is a major .. or I would rather say.."MASS" gap between a good musician and a good performer:but this depends in what you major in music education.. But what I mean here is that: a person who plays just with ear and a person who applies the theory while improvisation [ by the way his or her ears are not disabled in this case :.right ] . In the early days of contemporary music, improvisation was a skill purely guided by the ear. Although this approach is still used by some, most players now use their knowledge of chords, chord progressions and chord-scale relationships as the basis of their improvisation.

In this case the importance and the knowledge of theory comes: which mean the person who applies the theory while improvising on the spot will be more confident than a person who uses his/her ear on the spot. [ I am on indicating perfect pitch and music virtuous here ].

Al-basso has mentioned the basics of meaning of "playing diatonically". I hope you got an idea by that:..but if you need further on this :..feel free to post the question.

Music theory games

You will learn the teory of music. This is online music games for people who learn music


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