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Ear training. Selection of notes on the harmonica Hohner Hot Metal online training

A lip harmonica is the easiest musical instrument on which you can learn to play both as a child and an adult. You just need to learn how to correctly play the rhythm of the melody and get into the notes. The Hohner harmonica has 20 holes. Ten notes work on inspiration, and 10 notes work on exhalation.

The order of training

How to train: The game starts from the simplest level. It is necessary to distinguish only three notes from 20. Then, the complexity of the game increases, and you need to distinguish 4 notes .... When the computer loses a note, try repeating the sounds on the harmonica and determine the correct answer.

Music notes game

Here is a map of notes for the harmonica Hohner Hot Metal

   1   2    3   4    5   6    7   8    9   10
Exhalation C1 E1 G1 C2 E2 G2 C3 E3 G3 C4
Breath D1 G1 B1 D2 F2 A2 B2 D3 F3 A3

That's how the notes are encrypted:

C - Do, D - Re, E-Mi, F-Fa G-Salt A-La .... B-Ci.


As you can see, on the harmonica you can play three octaves. There are no half-tones. You can only reproduce an approximate picture of the melody - and this is enough to play most of the melodies.


Online music games and trainings